Why Parables?

A parable is a short allegorical tale from which the listener is expected to take a lesson. It is a literary form related to poetry, fables, wise sayings, and edifying and instructional literature in general, in that a parable seeks to impart helpful information under the guise of an interesting story. But while a parable…

The Quest for the Master Key

The ritual forgiveness of sins — the Sacrament of Penance, or Reconciliation, Absolution, Confession or whatever, has been called by the Pope himself to be an “odious sacrament“, one that nobody wants to subject themselves to unless really necessary. For unlike other means of grace, this sacramental encounter between penitent and confessor is actually a…

The Parable of the Sower

The first big public address that Jesus gave in the Gospel of Matthew is called the Parable of the Sower. It was certainly a fine one to start with. His use of natural imagery was vivid and instantly understandable and it set the tone of the urgent need to reform that characterized all his teaching.…