Cutting the Mustard

Cutting the Mustard

One of Jesus’ shorter, but for some reason, best remembered parables, is that of the Mustard Seed. Yet, like many of his better-known images, this one is a little shocking. The seeds of mustard plants can be ground to create the yellow condiment that goes best with hot dogs and the leaves are edible, too.…

Bread and Wine, Body and Blood

Bread and Wine, Body and Blood

Traditional Catholic teaching states that during the Mass, the bread and wine are mysteriously transformed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, this miraculous change is called “transubstantiation.” This means that once the sacred words of Consecration are spoken there is a real, total cosmic transmutation of the blessed elements. Even if…

Why Parables?

Why Parables?

A parable is a short allegorical tale from which the listener is expected to take a lesson. It is a literary form related to poetry, fables, wise sayings, and edifying and instructional literature in general, in that a parable seeks to impart helpful information under the guise of an interesting story. But while a parable…