The Wounded Beast

That nerdy kid who shot former-president Trump might well have dreamed he would save the country. But the stupid punk merely handed Fearless Leader the greatest gift possible. History can be a real mean bitch when you try to slap her around, kids, no matter what your motive may be.

The roaring lion is now bloodied; more enraged, justified, glorified, and dangerous than ever. And now, any doubt that bothered the presumed Republican candidate that he was not supremely chosen and protected is gone forever.

And you know what, he could be right.

It is my grim duty as a student of prophecy to look at the worst that can happen. So, I fear I must tell you that the implications of Trump’s new ear-hole may indeed be literally Apocalyptic.

For many years now, a theory has circulated among those obsessed with such things that the Antichrist would be a politician who would survive a head wound.

I’m not making that up, wish to God I were. Here is the relevant verse from the Book of Revelation, talking about the Beast from the Sea, identified as that Man of Sin, the Antichrist:

One of his heads looked like it had been wounded fatally. His fatal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled at the beast. [Rev. 13:3]

Revelation is highly symbolic, as the beast is bizarrely described just before that as having “ten horns and seven heads”, each horn crowned, and “like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion”. So yeah, obviously literally not Donald even on his worst day as it makes no mention of his tiny hands or that hair, but symbolically? It sounds about right but I’m gonna have to work on it.

Anyway, based on this and later verses, some literalist prophecy teachers have thought the upcoming Antichrist to be a king, possibly of a revived Roman Empire. He will be killed by a “sword wound” to the head, or made to seem so. Then he must be somehow miraculously (or deceitfully), raised from the dead by Satan. Should make a great movie.

Others have settled for the simpler explanation as given above; it merely describes a political leader surviving a head injury from a failed assassination attempt. But this is an old discussion, going on many years before Trump, and has still not caught up with current events. (Partially that is because so many end-time wishful thinkers are MAGA, I fear, and think him on God’s side.)

But could Donald J. Trump really be the Antichrist, or just the next worst thing?

Here’s what the Beast does:

They worshiped the dragon, because he gave his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?” A mouth speaking great things and blasphemy was given to him. Authority to make war for forty-two months was given to him. He opened his mouth for blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his dwelling, those who dwell in heaven. It was given to him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them. Authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation was given to him. All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been killed. If anyone has an ear, let him hear. [Rev. 13:4:9]

Yep, sure sounds like the former president to me! Outrageous lies, absolute power over all his followers, and war on all who resist; check, check, and double check. Who else could it be?

Trump as Antichrist explains so much:

  • How he has been able to totally flaunt all civilized norms and effortlessly get away with it without suffering any consequences, no matter what.
  • How seemingly smart, sensible people who truly care about this country could fall for the sales pitch of this cheap, bullying huckster, standing by him in defiance of all reason and decency.
  • How supposed Christians could fawn over this serial adulterer and rapist despite his flagrant contempt for all morality, much less faith in anything but his own ego.
  • How the man continues on, and on, and on, relentlessly, ceaselessly, despite all those Big Macs, fried chicken, and everything else. Arrgh!

He even beat Covid, after being responsible for the deaths of thousands, for Christ’s sake! Is that justice? If God’s on his side, why, God, why?

For our punishment, duh. Nothing else makes any sense. Donald Trump is divine retribution for what he so embodies: American greed, hypocrisy, and arrogance.

Now, I have no doubt that Trump has been lifted so high so that he and his legacy will eventually fall and be smashed into little tiny pieces to be blown away by the desert wind. But we are still in for a world of hurt. He’s not the only beast out there, and we have not yet changed enough. In any case, if this is God’s doing, we are well and truly screwed.

The political temperature’s already hellishly hot. Demonizing anybody here too much won’t help, because neither side is the real enemy. (The dragon, I think, is over in the Kremlin and Beijing, BTW, where it doesn’t take a prophet to visualize champagne flowing right now, but that’s another jeremiad.) 

Trump got beaten before and can be defeated again. But the situation in both camps shows one thing: this election truly has come down to a decision for the very soul of our country. Not since Germany 1932 has a vote promised to be so fateful. And it’s only July!

God have mercy on us.